my spoon is too big
what it is
what it was
sign my guestbookie
i like food!

nothing chunky or piecey


brownie batter

did i mention no chunks of anything

ice cream

peanut butter hot fudge sundaes

i live in a giant bucket

i am ainslee's mom

i love:

college football

allison janney

felicity huffman

and anything written by aaron sorkin rocks.

i hate:

and most republicans,

although i realize that might be redundant.

i want to live every day like my last, not in a state of fear but of appreciation but i haven't mastered that yet."

go visit my peeps


Layers ...


-- Name: jen

-- Birthdate: october 20

-- Birthplace: smack in the middle of the bible belt

-- Current Location: just barely north of the original

-- Eye Color: green and pond mud brown

-- Hair Color: brown

-- Height: 5'4" ish

-- Righty or Lefty: right.. but at times i can use both

-- Zodiac Sign: libra, sign of the scales


-- Your heritage: irish and italian

-- The shoes you wear: flip flops and tevas

-- Your weakness: too concerned with other people's opinions

-- Your fears: never finding peace, being a bad parent

-- Your perfect pizza: pepperoni and extra jalapenos

-- Goal you'd like to achieve: being content


-- Your most overused phrase on AIM: freak

-- Your thoughts first waking up: I get to do this again?

-- Your best physical feature: when i gain weight, it doesn't tend to be in my stomach

--Your bedtime: 11ish


-- Pepsi or Coke: neither, but if I'm limited, Coke.

-- McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's

-- Single or group dates: single

-- Adidas or Nike: nike

-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: nestea

-- Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla

-- Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino


-- Smoke: absolutely not

-- Cuss: on ocassion

-- Sing: assuming in the car counts, yes

-- Take a shower everyday: duh

-- Have a crush(es): not right now

-- Do you think you've been in love: i think, once.

-- Go to college: ... and still paying for it

-- Liked high school: the fact that i'm convinced it was Dante's seventh level of hell should answer that question

--Want to get married: i don't think so

-- Believe in yourself: depends on what we're talking about; overall, more than i used to.

-- Get motion sickness: only when hungover

-- Think you're attractive: nope

-- Think you're a health freak: not even

-- Get along with your parents: oh, god.

-- Like thunderstorms: LOVE THEM.

-- Play an instrument: flute


-- Drank alcohol: there was a time, i drank far too much

-- Smoked: in my lifetime, yes

-- Done a drug: same as above

-- Had Sex: yep

-- Made Out: Oh yeah

-- Ever gone on a date: yep

-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: If I haven't eaten an entire box, i've come damn close

-- Eaten sushi: ABSOLUTELY

-- Been on stage: yep, but not in a long, long time and never plan to be again

-- Been dumped: oh yeah

-- Gone skating: yes

-- Made homemade cookies: with my girl

-- Gone skinny dipping: hehehe, yep

-- Dyed your hair: yep, but never any crazy colors ... maybe i should do that.

-- Stolen anything: not in a long time


-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: yep

-- If so, was it mixed company: yep

-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: oh yeah

-- Been caught "doing something": yep

-- Been called a tease: yep

-- Gotten beaten up: yep

-- Shoplifted: nothing big

-- Changed who you were to fit in: unfortunately, yeah


-- Age you hope to be married: in my next life ...

-- Numbers and Names of Children: uno, the divine Miss M

-- Describe your dream wedding: the nonexistence of one would be my dream

-- Where you want to go to college: been there, done that; but if i had it to do over - somewhere out of state

-- What do you want to be when you grow up: a missionary

-- What country would you most like to visit: italy


-- Best eye color: dark blue

-- Best hair color: dark

-- Short or long hair: short, but not severely

-- Height: a bit taller than me

-- Best weight: whatever suits the person

-- Best articles of clothing: something that reveals just enough to pique the imagination, but still require one.

-- Best first date location: the ZOO!

-- Best first kiss location: mouth


-- Number of drugs taken illegally: one

-- Number of people I could trust with my life: one

-- Number of CDs that I own: i have no idea; many

-- Number of piercings: right now, none

-- Number of tattoos: 1

-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: some and a half

-- Number of scars on my body: i think, 3

-- Number of things in my past that I regret: seriously, are there people that can actually answer this with a specific number?

<< & >>

tiny hats

sipping: soda

hearing: joni mitchell

thinking about: i really need to find my bouncy ball

i am a banana.

Know, Don't Know, Wish Others Knew

Mercy as a Default

Quiet Desperation


Help if you can

everything�s gonna be ok!

"Sometimes there just aren't enough rocks ... "
-forrest gump